Metropolitan Democratic Club of Seattle



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“Port Report from Peter”
12:00 PM12:00

“Port Report from Peter”

  • The Lounge at Plymouth Congregational Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

MDC member Peter Steinbrueck, former Seattle City Councilmember, was elected to the Seattle Port Commission over a year ago. He will share his personal perspectives on what’s going on at the Port that is of great importance to our city and region and the challenges that lie ahead. 

MDC member Peter Steinbrueck, former Seattle City Councilmember, was elected to the Seattle Port Commission over a year ago. He will share his personal perspectives on what’s going on at the Port that is of great importance to our city and region and the challenges that lie ahead. 

Location: The lounge at Plymouth Congregational Church, 1217 6thAve.

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